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Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland
Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland 1 top
CBL VI/3/769 · C: 1957-01-10 · P: 1957-08 · 20 p.
Scrooge McDuck; Grandma Duck; Beagle Boys
Blackheart Beagle; Ratchet Gearloose
Dagobert erzählt Oma von seiner Zeit als Dampferkapitän auf dem Mississippi. ... more
Reprint title: »Fantastic River Race«.
CBL title: »The Fantastic River Race«.
3 tiers/page.
This is an untitled episode of the 100-page story »Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland«; the other episodes are not by Barks.
CBL: In the opening panel, the »Uncle Scrooge« logo was added.

BarksBase by Gerd Syllwasschy · Last update: 17 May 2007
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